Configuration File Format

In addition to configuration via the command line interface, transient can also be configured via a configuration file. Flags mentioned in create/run/start/stop can be set in a configuration file using the TOML format. Currently, only the run, start and create subcommands supports using a configuration file.

For example, consider the following command:

$ transient run generic/alpine38:v3.0.2 \
   --name test-vm \
   --ssh-console \
   -- \
   -nographic -enable-kvm -m 1G

The following transient configuration file would produce the same behavior when executed:

# transient-config.toml

name = "test-vm"
ssh-console = true
qemu-args = [
    "-m", "1G"

NOTE: required parameters like the image (in this example, generic/alpine38:v3.0.2) cannot currently be specified via the config file.

A transient configuration can be supplied using the --config flag. For example:

$ transient run generic/alpine38:v3.0.2 --config transient-config.toml